74 mini-reviews to help you find a great book to read next

Feeling lucky? Pick any number between 1 and 74, then scroll down and you’ve got your next read.

David Bauer
10 min readJan 3, 2022

1. Sum: Forty tales from the afterlives, by @davideagleman.

40 clever, funny, thought-provoking short stories on what life after death could look like. Loved the breadth of imagination.

2. How Democracies Die, by Steven Levitsky and @dziblatt.

An excellent dissection of the mechanisms that turn democracies into autocracies. A chilling read in the wake of the Trump presidency.

3. The Future We Choose, by @CFigueres & @tomcarnac.

Practical advice that strikes the right balance. What you, as an individual and consumer, can do. And what you, as a citizen and employee, should expect (and demand) from governments and corporations.

4. Twilight of Democracy, by @anneapplebaum.

Been reading this over the past couple days and, well, didn’t expect it to be *that* timely. Then again, the book explains nicely how none of this is particularly surprising.

